Welcome to Mount Zion Church of the Firstborn website. If you are a believer in Christ, we trust that the information you find here will bring encouragement and edification to your spirit. If you are a seeker of truth, we pray that your visit with us will assist you to encounter the Truth you have been seeking for. Whichever the case may be, this site has been created to be of service to you to the end that you will find yourself developing a closer relationship with God through His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a church that started in a house garage 32 years ago attended mainly by college and university students. Today, we have evolved into a family church where all age groups are represented. From her small beginning, MZCF has been instrumental in leading thousands of people find a genuine, meaningful, and growing relationship with God. Daughter churches have been established and dozens of local churches directly strengthened and helped with many hundreds more blessed through prayer, teaching seminars, relief and humanitarian efforts. Our earnest prayer and desire is to be counted worthy to participate and experience the glorious last-day revival that shall shortly come upon the earth before the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the grace of God, we want to become part of that glorious and victorious Bride of Christ that will rule and reign with Him when He establishes His kingdom in the earth and on to eternity. We pray that your visit will prove to be a fruitful and rewarding experience that you will decide to become one of our regular visitors. Links to other ministries have been provided for further spiritual blessing. In closing, I wish to encourage you with these words: God loves you and He has a wonderful plan for your life. It is possible to experience this wonderful plan only through the knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ, in whose likeness, God the Father desires for each human being to be conformed.